I spent all of my 20's and early 30's focused exclusively on the men in my life. I had two long term committed relationships, each lasting years but despite our best efforts we could never seem to find the balance, safety and peace of mind we longed for. Intrinsically I knew more was possible but just didn't know HOW to do it. After reading many books and going to therapy my deep desire to have better functioning and fulfilling relationships eventually led me to The Relationship School. Here I studied with Jayson Gaddis immersed in two live changing programs, The Deep Psychology of Intimate Relationships and Present Centered Relationship Coach Training. I learned how to connect to the full expression of who I am and I developed the skills of being a Relational Warrior; leading with love, knowing my needs, maintaining healthy boundaries and expressing myself authentically. These embodied learnings have helped me create a spaciousness, connectedness and freedom in myself AND in my relationships that I've never known before. Because of this personal transformation I see and feel in my own experience I am here to be of service to you and your growth journey! So much is possible within our relational lives when we are deeply connected to ourselves. My hope is that by discovering more of your true self you too will become a Relational Warrior and the author of your relational life.